There is a lot of cool stuff we don’t offer. 

Unless you are looking for God’s grace.

We like Cool Stuff, who doesn’t?  Our intention is not to put down any Church that has really cool stuff.  Rather, we just felt that giving you a glimpse of what our Church is like would help our visitor’s expectations.  So if you are looking for a place to study God’s word and deepen your relationship with Jesus, we are right around the corner.

There’s No Dress Code.

Going by the clear teaching of James chapter 2, we have no dress code. You are welcome as you are since we are not concerned about your outward appearance.

We Don’t Have an Atmosphere of Condemnation,…At All!

We’re not going to be “soft” on any of the truths of Scripture, but we’re going to speak the truth in love.
If you show up late, we don’t care,..we’re just happy to see you. If your phone goes off in the middle of the sermon, nobody will be upset. If your child runs up to Paul while he’s preaching, he/she will probably get picked up and kissed.

We’re Not Going To Reduce The Word Of God To Teachings On How You Can Be A Better You.

The only riches we believe the Bible guarantees are found in Jesus Christ. While we may not help your bank account grow, we will show you where true wealth is found.

You’re Not Going To Find The Swelling Entertainment of a Professional Orchestra.

In fact, We have no interest in appealing to people who want merely to be “entertained.”  Acceptable worship, to God, comes from folks who worship God in spirit (from the heart) and in truth. The service almost never lasts longer than one hour.

There’s Never A Mad Rush For The Door At The Conclusion Of The Service.

We don’t know why, but nobody wants to leave. The folks at the church really love each other and will love you, whoever you are.

What We Do Believe and Teach.

We Believe in a Deeper Relationship with Jesus Christ.

All Scripture is God-breathed, entirely trustworthy and sufficient to equip believers to live a life pleasing to the Lord. We believe in the sovereignty of God and the doctrines of God’s grace.

So, if you’re just curious, been looking for a small Church in Naples, or want to learn more about the Bible, we encourage you to visit us.